I had a full time job teaching toddlers, in school full time, a wife and a mommy of 2.
The picture in this post shows you a 3 year old sleeping alongside a photograph. The photograph contains myself and Mason. This chapter of college had me in class late 2 nights a week - after my children were fast asleep.
The picture in this post shows you a 3 year old sleeping alongside a photograph. The photograph contains myself and Mason. This chapter of college had me in class late 2 nights a week - after my children were fast asleep.
There were times I wondered if I was crazy.
There were times I wondered if I bit off too much.
There were times where I tripped and stumbled.
There were times where they reminded me it was worth it.
There were times where I pushed through and made it happen.
There were times when I picked myself back up and kept going.
Whatever it is in life. Whatever path you take.
You can.
You will.