Wednesday, August 29, 2018

You can. You will.

I had a full time job teaching toddlers, in school full time, a wife and a mommy of 2. 
The picture in this post shows you a 3 year old sleeping alongside a photograph. The photograph contains myself and Mason. This chapter of college had me in class late 2 nights a week - after my children were fast asleep.

Don’t ever limit yourself or think you can’t. I couldn’t have made it happen without the love and support from my loved ones. No ones path is the same. It doesn't have the same forks, rocks or bumps. Those forks, rocks or bumps may fall at different times and in a different order. But none the same, they are there to make you work harder - to make you shift, change and adapt to your surroundings. Your focus needs to be sharp and your perception needs to be singular - on your own path.

There were times I wondered if I was crazy.
There were times I wondered if I bit off too much.
There were times where I tripped and stumbled.

There were times where they reminded me it was worth it.
There were times where I pushed through and made it happen.
There were times when I picked myself back up and kept going. 

Whatever it is in life. Whatever path you take. 
You can.
You will.