Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mood swings and your kid

After doing some research on mood swings for my seven-year-old son, I came to find out that they are more common in our children that we may know. They often happen at the drop of a hat and you wonder what is going on with your kid. Where have you gone wrong?  Are they hungry tired sleepy etc. etc. Apparently, according to this website centerofparentingeducation.org, they happen more frequently than you may think. Mood variation typically rings a bell when you're thinking about the teenage years. Teenagers going up and down in mood because of their hormones but as your child grows they are going through these changes in their body and they don't really quite understand why the feeling the way that feeling. I found out that before age 6 1/2, your child can go through a bout of mood swings every six months or so and then after age 6 1/2 it's on the odd years 7, 9 and 11. That's when we come in as parents! We have to show them how to regulate these new feelings.

This site breaks down each age and the developmental areas that your child is coming upon. I could pinpoint each issue that we were having with my seven-year-old here. It was really helpful and it definitely made me feel little bit more easier about this being phased versus being something serious. 

Parenting is always a learning experience even for those who feel like they have it down. I truly believe there are no experts just learning what works as it comes. 


Monday, June 2, 2014

Drowning is silent

The campaign that can save lives. Did you know that downing can happen in an inch of water?

At one point in the several past months, I have witnessed a handful of incidents where I have thought to myself "don't they know they can drown?" For instance, a toddler being left in a tub of running water so she can clean up something on the kitchen floor, clear across her home...?? I was mortified! Of course, the next time I saw this sweet mom I brought her information on the dangers of water and unattended toddlers! 

Being an Arizona resident, and an educator, this is something so poignant in my line of work. Not only that, something I am adamant about being a mother of two rambunctious boys.
What to do?
Take a minute to watch this video, it recalls two stories, one about a boy encountering secondary drowning and another family that is filled with grief because of that "one" second dad looked away.
In that video, they do a wonderful demonstration of the latest CPR technique for adults, infant and children. If you don't know these, watch this video just for that. You can save a life. Most often times a child will drown at a party or gathering because they are not being watched by the everyone gathered around the pool. The parent naively assuming that everyone else has their eye on the kids on the pool. I mean, we get it, it was a long week at work and you need some RnR and adult time too. Right? WRONG. Don't let that be you, hang with your kid and relax with them. Be sure to be diligent and watch your kid in the water.

Your child is worth more than whatever pulls your attention from them around water.
