Friday, April 18, 2014

One of those...

This morning began like this book,  I have to be reminded that these days are common, thankfully for us, they are far and few between. This lead to good discussion with the boys about changing our attitudes, thinking about the positive and then just taking a deep breath.

Do not determine how your day end up by an avalanche of no good things. I was thankful for some personal reflection while pumping gas, you know because being a parent can mean this is your only quiet time. I got back in the car and asked Mason about what he does when he is having a rough day. He told me when he laid in his bed just for a little bit to get out of bed with new attitude worked for him.
I will not let this morning define my day and I'll move forward but I thought I'd share the realness of parenting and that not all days are sunny, cheerful, rainbows and lollipops but you determine the way it ends.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Victory can mean...

that your kids made it through the day without a bloody nose.
they played together instead of against eachother.
you didn't contemplate an urgent care cost.
it was a tear free day.
you had PB&J for dinner.

things that make life less intense. Be grateful for those, I got absolutely nothing accomplished, days.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Common Core Education.

Dear Parent's,
Arm yourself with knowledge and information no matter your side on common core, this video is a glimpse into a society of cookie cutter educational system that is doomed to fail. We know that the system is broken but we continue to try to make this mold out of people. People who are independent in their nature, independent in their skills and independent in whothey are as an individual. The final line in this video is a key principal for what I believe is part of this broken system. Parental involvement in the children's educational career is key to success and without involvement children fall through the cracks and then we blame the teacher. Why common core was implemented without any question from the general public is beyond me.
This takes me back to a TED talk that I've shared several times, where we try to put children into these molds and expect them to come out ready for the world. This is not the case and it never will be This is a 40 minute video worth watching because your children's education is at stake.
Arizona has renamed the Common Core as College and Career Readiness. The Department of Ed did this because Common Core puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Yet, AZ schools are required by law to uphold the standards mandated by the federal government.
It is important for accurate information to be shared about Common Core Standards, watch the video and then consider where you go from here.
BUILDING THE MACHINE - The Common Core Documentary:

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Prime Time Play

Arizona is on the fine line of summer. We are going to be seeing low 90s this upcoming week and this weekend is a prime example of enjoying time while it's here!
The sunshine and breeze in the wind are free! Let your kids outside to take in these joys on life, you'll be amazed at the joy it will bring you.  Hear giggles and watch grins illuminate on the faces of innocence and imagination! Join in and be interactive, after all these times are limited but the memories are life long.
Take care and have fun!


Friday, April 4, 2014

Soccer season

This will be my house for the next 8 weeks. Two boys in soccer with 8 am game times on Saturdays...
I just hope that our Ben, who loves to sleep in, can shake his bushy tail for his 8 am games for a sport he has been dying to play.... wish us luck!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Commitment to Me

I have asked my self to fall on the mundane, wake up work and repeat. This makes me sad for many reasons. One because I know I'm not taking care of myself emotionally. Don't get me wrong, I'm so blessed and grateful for the people and things I have in my life. We work really hard to give the boys a good life. There are things we are overlooking. These are the ideals that our bodies are a temple and they need to be fed. Fed literally and physically.

A great joy of mine, is physical activity, pushing myself beyond. I know many people do not have the love in really, truly enjoying their heart rate jumping and sweat dripping. This is one of the pleasures on life that I can honestly say I feel is fuel to my soul. I have given this speech before but hear I am, a couple months earlier than last year. Telling myself I need to treat my soul with things that have held true. Every time.

This is my promise to myself. 3 weeks of me time. 3 weeks of 30 minutes morning cardio. 3 weeks of an afternoon/evening 30 minutes of whatever but something. An hour total for my soul. I know I'm worth this.
Let's talk about my obstacles that have pushed me to say "not today".
Washing my hair. Let's be real, of we were men and could get in the shower to wash off and go about our day we'd all have six packs and an ass that wouldn't shake. My insecurities are special in that I am my worse enemy. I don't envy women with great bodies who don't "need" to work out. It's about how I feel inside, emotionally and physically strong. The muscles that come with it are a bonus. I'm done with excuses. My excuses. The boys deserve a healthy strong mom to show them that their bodies are worth every effort to be healthy inside.
Again, just keep moving forward. So, Day 3 of this, success! Day 4 is when my muscles fatigue typcially and I will fight through it. How do you get "you time" in? What fills your soul?

What is a project without substance?

I have created the Whole Family Project in hopes to relate, communicate and alleviate stresses that come with Parenting. Although these stresses pale in comparison to the joys and unconditional love that comes wrapped up in your children, it can be pretty hairy at times.

My vision for The Whole Family Project is to strengthen families from the moment of conception. I will provide support and help facilitate healthy development, proactive parenting and strong foundation the future of our communities will be brighter. This support will come from my knowledge of Early Childhood Develop and Family and Human Development. Not only can I pull from my studies and experiences in the classroom, I have a team of knowledgeable and notable supports who have the same dream I do.

Without a "parenting handbook", we all wing it, even those who feel like they have it down. Asking questions and having the desire to learn more for your children and family development is vital to the health of your relationships within the home. Be happier by gaining the support and non judgemental knowledge of those who may have seen it, experienced or researched it.

This blog is just not about child development, it is about the health of the family as a whole. Maternal and Paternal well being are the foundation of a healthy family. I will share my struggles and success at being a full time mom, full time Parent Educator and a full time wife simultaneously. With those hats, I have a love for fitness and feel that it is the key to my inner health. My mantra is to keeping moving forward because everyday comes no matter the struggles you face.

You will also see many pictures, links and write up about ways to be the best parent, partner and person you can be. There is no ideological philosophy behind my motivation. It is just to be happy, positive and carefree. We can learn from parenting blunders and grow with our families together.

Please join me in this journey in my goal to:

Empower parents.
Facilitate Healthy Development
Grow together.


The Whole Family Project on Facebook